
The Toussian languages are spoken in the southwest of Burkina Faso, between Bobo-Dioulasso, Banfora, and Orodara. There are only two Toussian languages, Northern Toussian and Southern Toussian, neither of which have been well-studied. The majority of my work has been done on Northern Toussian, though I plan to study Southern Toussian in greater depth in the future.

The genetic affinity of the Toussian languages has been debated; they have traditionally been classified as Gur (Mabia) languages,[1] but this opinion is not universal.[2]

Toussian Villages

The GPS coordinates and data were collected by an assistant, Minkailou Djiguiba. This should not be considered a comprehensive list of all Toussian villages.

[1]Naden, Tony. 1988. The Gur Languages. In Kropp Dakubu, Mary E. (ed.), The Languages of Ghana, 12-49. London: International African Institute.

[2]Güldemann, Tom (ed.). 2018. The languages and linguistics of Africa. The World of Linguistics 11. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.